Monday, March 12, 2012

A small set-back

So it was raining today, and I live in Washington so that is fairly normal but I do not have the proper gear for running in the rain so I failed at that. Didn't have my damned protein shake, failed at that, and I am going to do a couple of sit ups before bed just so I don't feel like a complete and total failure. Anyways, those aren't really the set backs that I was referring to, no the real set back happens tomorrow.

So in November of 2011 I got the Implanon birth control in my arm and it has completely messed with the chemical makeup of my body and I have had a period for four months straight. Yes, gross and too much information but bottom line is I have to have the damn thing removed. To remove it they have to cut my arm where it is inserted into and pull it out, tissues has grown around it so it is going to be rather painful. When I had the Implanon put in I was down for two days straight because of the pain and my arm was unusable, I have no idea what will happen this time. I was able to use my arm again after the two days, but it still hurt for about a week or two, I had a huge bruise on my arm. So the point I am trying to make here is I don't know how much working out I will be able to do in the coming week. I am still going to try and run, and do some sit ups, maybe a little bit of belly dancing since it doesn't require too much arm movement but if I don't post anything for a while its cuss I am depressed I am unable to follow my plan. Hopefully healing wont take nearly as long as I think its going to and I will be up and moving in no time, but I really have no clue right now. Thank you all for reading, I do hope to be on here again very soon. I will be back, my determination is not dead!

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