The Plan

Every good fitness program has some sort of plan and for each person that plan is different. For example, since I need to gain weight I have to do more intense weight lifting with shorter reps while someone who was trying to loose weight would have to do less intense lifting with longer reps. So this fitness plan is mine and mine alone, please find one that suits you best.

Pushups 3 sets of 10
Sit ups 3 sets of 20
3 sets of 25
3 sets of 20 (10 per leg)
Jumping Jacks 3 sets of 80
Wall Sits 3 sets of 1 minute intervals

10 minute warm up
30 minutes of cardio every other day.
3 sets of 10 push-ups every other day
3 sets of 30 crunches every other day
2 sets of 10 squats every other day
10 minute cool down

Nutrition (Days when I work out):
3 protein shakes a day
3 full meals a day

Nutrition (Days I Rest):
1 protein shake
3 full meals a day

Protein Shake:
GNC Pro Performance (Advanced Muscle Performance)
Chocolate and Vanilla flavors
2 scoops per shake mixed with 8 oz of water

Meals: Under Construction
Breakfast Ideas ::
Lunch Ideas ::
Dinner Ideas ::

Other things I may try is one glass of warm lemon water every other day. It is supposed to boost your immune system and help keep your skin and hair healthy and glowing. Also, when I am not drinking a protein shake I will drink water and try to have two to three full water bottles every day. The protein shake has five flavors; Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Cookies and Cream, and Fruit Punch. The only two that I like are chocolate and vanilla.