Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I am so incredibly frustrated!

So I got the birth control taken out of my arm, and I had stitches put in so I tried to avoid any major excersize while they were in, now they are out (just taken out yesterday) and my appetite has increased ten fold. I can feel the fat on my belly returning and I am not liking it, I was perfectly happy with my belly the way it was. Anyways, I went running three days ago and for a walk yesterday so I haven't been completely slouching. I tried doing some belly excersizes tonight and I just want to cry I am so frustrated. I don't feel it hardly at all even though I am tightening my stomach muscles while working out and everything, my back and legs hurt more than my stomach so I am worried I am doing it all wrong and it is really frustrating! Jeeze, how many times can I say that in one post. I don't know what to do, because if I am doing it wrong I don't want to hurt myself, but I can't not do anything, I have to do belly work outs everyday, or every other day. And I have those stupid protein shakes to drink and those are just going to put more weight on me. And I am going to have to go back into GNC and talk to the guys in there and see if they have any tips to help me out because I really hate this. I feel gross and disgusting and frustrated and I don't like it at all. I thought you were suppose to feel good after working out but I just want to cry and scream. I really wish my husband was here so he could help me stay motivated. I just suck and fail as a human being. It's horrible. But what can I do? I mean, really? There isn't anything I can do but keep trying and push past and ask questions. UGH! I just wanna cry right now. I am pretty sure thats cuss my body is adjusting to not having any hormones in it but its still very irritating. Anyways I am done, this was not a very inspiring post and for that I apologize.

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